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The University of Leeds Immunology Network aims to

i)                   To foster collaboration between individuals and faculties

ii)                 To provide a sense of community to those working in immunology at Leeds.

iii)               To provide a forum for engaging partners outside of academia, including the public, patients and industry.

iv)                To act as a hub for resources for teaching and research.


The network is open to anyone from the University of Leeds with an interest in immunology.

You can join the network using the QR code or the link below, either will place you on an email list enabling you to receive information about the network and its forthcoming activities.

The network has a steering group, with representatives from four faculties, as well as the Leeds NHS Trust.

Members of the steering group:

Dr Erica Wilson, FBS.

Dr Chiara Gorrini, FBS.

Prof Graham Cook, FMH (LIMR).

Prof Sinisa Savic, FMH (LIRMM).

Dr Jim Robinson, FMH (LICAMM).

Ms Abigail Connor, FMH (LIMR).

Dr Yuan Guo, ENVT.

Prof Grant Lythe, EPS.

Dr Chris Parrish, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT)

Dr Frances Seymour, LTHT.

Please contact a member of the steering group if you would like more information, or if you have ideas for an event or activity